I’m pretty sure you done enough crying, made more excuses than Tommy and feel hopeless. I’m just trying to reach one or teach one, your far worth more than gold ~~ never treat anyone better than yourself. Once I faced the truth, the truth set me free, and I am still standing and I am nobody’s victim. Trust me, I've been there and done that, and no matter what excuse you come up with none of them are worthy of staying with a man/woman who doesn't love you. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM, face the truth, seek help, stop being embarrassed about what someone else is doing to you and get out. I don't want any women who may read this or is going through this to claim himself or herself as a victim. You have become an enabler to! You help him continue his abusive behavior and that’s what enablers do. Anytime you stay with a man who abuses you, not just physically, but mentally, verbally and what not. I just wanted to add my two cents If I may, If you stay with a man that abuses you, you are not a victim you are an enabler victims are caught into a situation beyond there control. If you accept the I’m so sorry, it’ll never happen against then you become the victim because it probably will. Many women don't tell their stories or get out until its too late because of fear or being judged or of being told many of the things that are being said today by people who personally know nothing of what they've gone through or what they are going through don't speak or judge what you know nothing Says: Being hit once while painful is not the same as surviving continuous abuse which besides the physical pain also comes with embarrassment, being confused, heart broken, scared and a million other emotions. Not even witnessing it can give you that knowledge and while its easy to judge and say what someone should do or not do or what you wouldn't do its better to simply pray for the person and pray that it never happens to you. Do you have any idea how much strength it takes to leave that sort of situation and admit that you've been beaten repeatedly and then go public with everybody else : to put it simply you can not imagine what its like to go through that unless you've personally been through it. I always comment then scroll back up but its not always low self esteem in fact many abusers beat women with high self esteem in an attempt to break their all dv victims are not weak either many are stronger than you can imagine.

Posted in Baby Mama Drama, Celebrity, Relationships, Scandal

It just goes to show that even the rich and famous can be victims of domestic violence. Now Stacey has a restraining order on Emmanuel which requires him to stay 100 yards away from Stacey and her two children from a previous marriage.ĭomestic violence in Hollywood has been in the news a lot recently: news just broke of a Survivor producer being named a suspect in his wife's murder. How sad.Īccording to a restraining order filed in January 29 and obtained by TMZ, Emmanuel would regularly beat Stacey on her face, head and body during their marriage and once violently pinned her down to their bed and claimed he was going to give her "the worst night of her life." Stacey says that while they were married she was too afraid to report the domestic abuse to the police. Instead of telling her story to the blogs, she should talk to a therapist who can help her work through the childhood issues that keep her trapped in the willing victim role.Īlthough the three time divorcee is speaking out publicly about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her last husband Emanuelle Xuereb, privately she's telling friends that all of her husbands abused her physically. What causes a beautiful woman like Dash to continuously walk into men's fists when the signs that he is a potential abuser are apparent before the abuse begins? That would indicate that the thrice married Dash, 44, subconsciously seeks out men who will ultimately abuse her, and that's a problem that won't fix itself just by leaving them.

But here's the problem: all of Stacey Dash's men have abused her, according to the actress. She is a victim of domestic abuse and she wants the world to know.