But as if that alone were not enough, we also have the choice of music to deal with. Oh, and I forgot to mention - Roger Moore had turned 57 at some point during production of this movie, the oldest a James Bond actor's ever been to date, and he did not age well in my opinion, so the mere sight of him snowboarding at his age should be enough to warrant a rank on this list. At one point, he knocks a guy off a snowmobile, pulls off its hood, and uses it as a makeshift snowboard. Then some Soviet patrols shows up, and he proceeds to high-tail it out of there. In this scene, James Bond shows up here to investigate the body of a fallen 00 agent, retrieving a microchip from his person. The cold-open of A View to a Kill takes place in, appropriately enough, a cold place: Siberia.
#Bambi and thumper james bond series
And two, he swings on a series of vines, with a stock Tarzan yell playing in the background. But as for me, I'll remember this scene instead for two parts - one, he encounters a tiger, and before it can pounce upon him, he sternly calls to it, "Sit!", and it does. Sure, there are clever moments to be found, such as when Bond hides underneath a henchman's elephant and unfastens his saddle. In this scene, James Bond has escaped from the villain's palace in India and is being chased through a nearby jungle. But did EON Productions really have to rub it in our faces? I wouldn't mind so much, except she gets answered by a parrot while Bond and friend make a break for it! As you could imagine, this is embarrassing for everybody involved. Thatcher, the first female PM in Britain's history, must have been a big deal, and good on the real Thatcher for making it that far. But who should phone in and interrupt them but the Prime Minister of his own country? And not just any Prime Minister, but Margaret Thatcher (played here by an impersonator)? I take it the election of Mrs. In this scene, James Bond has finished his mission and is now about to shack up with the leading lady. I've selected and listed these entries based on the following criteria: 1) How embarrassing is it to watch the scene? 2) Does the scene work in context? And 3) Is there anything good about the scene to balance it out? So break out your favourite Q-gadgets and order your shaken-not-stirred martinis, because Here. That's why I'm going to count down the top ten dumbest moments of the James Bond movies, and see if and when we cross that line. On the contrary, their occasional bouts of stupidity only serve to make them more fun to watch.
#Bambi and thumper james bond tv
(Except for Roger Moore, who played on a TV show called The Saint.) Yet at the same time, I don't think these movies ever get so bad to the point they become unberarable to watch. And James Bond is certainly no saint in that regard. But part of being a good, sane fan is admitting any sins the subject of your adoration may have committed. I'm saying that here in case you couldn't infer it from the year-long mini-series I did on this very blog, reviewing all its movies.

Thumper: Well, it's not gonna happen to me.James Bond is one of my biggest fandoms. So you'd better be careful.įriend Owl: Yes, it could even happen to you! And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!įriend Owl: And that ain't all. And then you feel light as a feather and before you know it, you're walking on air. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden, you run smack into a pretty face. For example: you're walking along, minding your own business. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime.

Flower: Well! What's the matter with them?įriend Owl: Why, don't you know? They're twitterpated.įriend Owl: Yes.